Friday, December 21, 2012

Hodge Family Photos!

Hello, Everyone! This week I had the awesome opportunity to photograph the Hodge Family! I had so much fun running around Old Town Auburn with them to find the best shots! Here are a few from the shoot. I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Doors & Windows of Ireland

Hey guys! I was recently going through my pictures of Ireland from Ben and I's honeymoon last year and noticed quite a few images were of windows or doors, soooo I decided to make a blog post on some of them. Hope you enjoy! 

Thanks for looking! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kylie's 1 year!

It's taken me awhile to put up these pictures but I'm excited to share them! Kylie is soooo cute and was very easy to work with! She loved to just run around and play with all the different props and toys which made my first experience with a one year old a breeze! Here are some of my favorites for the shoot, enjoy! 

Have a good Day!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Some more of Kelly and Trevor!

Here are some more pictures of my beautiful sister and her boyfriend Trevor! These were taken in Oldtown Auburn... Hope you enjoy!